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Ready to install Yabe Siul? Follow this guide to get started.

Yabe Siul has a few system requirements. Surely, modern hosting satisfies all of these requirements, so it’s highly recommended to use modern hosting to run the Yabe Siul.

You need to ensure your server meets the following requirements:

  • PHP 7.4 or higher.
  • WordPress 6.0 or higher.

You can easily install the Yabe Siul plugin by uploading a zip archive of the plugin from your local computer through the WordPress plugins admin screen.

If you have any issues or confusion about how to install a plugin, WordPress has a comprehensive guide on how to install a plugin that will help you out.

Once installed, you can activate the plugin by clicking on the “Activate” link in the WordPress plugins admin screen.

Congratulations! You have just installed the Yabe Siul plugin on your first WordPress site!

Now that you have installed the Yabe Siul plugin, you can start adding the custom font to your WordPress website and use it in your favorite visual builder editor.