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Mysqldump Provider

In this guide, we will show you the simple steps to generate the final CSS file by dumping the MySQL database.

Step 1: Using a library to dump the MySQL database

Section titled Step 1: Using a library to dump the MySQL database

Copy the code from this link above and paste it into the mysqldump.php file in your theme’s directory.

Step 2: Adding the Compiler’s scanner

Section titled Step 2: Adding the Compiler’s scanner

Add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file.

To tell Yabe Siul’s compiler to scan from dumping the MySQL database, you need to add a custom scanner to the compiler. This scanner will be responsible for dumping your MySQL database and returning the data to the compiler.

* @source
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/mysqldump.php');
* @param array $providers The collection of providers that will be used to scan the design payload
* @return array
function register_mysqldump_provider(array $providers): array
$providers[] = [
'id' => 'mysqldump',
'name' => 'mysqldump Scanner',
'description' => 'Dump your MySQL database with mysqldump',
'callback' => 'scanner_mysqldump_provider', // The function that will be called to get the data
'enabled' => \Yabe\Siul\Utils\Config::get(sprintf(
'mysqldump' // The id of this custom provider
), true),
return $providers;
add_filter('f!yabe/siul/core/cache:compile.providers', 'register_mysqldump_provider');

Step 3: Adding the Compiler’s scanner callback

Section titled Step 3: Adding the Compiler’s scanner callback

Now that we have added the scanner, we need to define how the scanner will dump the MySQL database and return the data to the compiler.

You can change the include-tables and exclude-tables to include or exclude tables from the dump.

function scanner_mysqldump_provider(): array
if (!class_exists('\Ifsnop\Mysqldump\Mysqldump')) {
return [];
global $wpdb;
$dump_settings = [
'include-tables' => [
$wpdb->prefix . 'wp_posts',
$wpdb->prefix . 'wp_postmeta'
], // The tables that will be included in the dump
'exclude-tables' => [], // The tables that will be excluded in the dump
'skip-comments' => true,
$dump = new \Ifsnop\Mysqldump\Mysqldump(
// catch the php://stdout output
$dumped = ob_get_clean();
return [
'name' => 'MySQL Dump',
'content' => $dumped,

Now that we have added the scanner and the scanner callback, we can now generate the final CSS file from the MySQL database dump.